

Past events

24th-27th January 2017

Initial meeting


Barcelona, Spain

24th-27th January 2017

Workshop: “Situation and Needs Analysis”


Barcelona, Spain

March-April 2017


Esade (2), UNL (1) and UCSC (1): experts

26th-30th June 2017

Workshop: “International education and accreditation systems”

University of Havana, Cuba

26th-30th June 2017

Panel discussion

University of Havana, Cuba

14th September (14.00h - 15.00h) 2017

Evento de diseminación: “Cuban business education: best practices for effective cooperation with Europe”

Conferencia EAIE

Sevilla, Spain

18th-22nd September 2017

Workshop: “International Collaboration”

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart,

Milan, Italy

18th-22nd September 2017

Consortium coordination meeting

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart,

Milan, Italy

23rd-27th October 2017

Conference: "Internationalisation of Higher Education"

University Central "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV),

Santa Clara, Cuba

13th-15th December 2017

“International Projects”

University of Holguín

Holguín, Cuba

19th-21st February, 2018

Workshop: “University Management”

University Central “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas (UCLV),

Santa Clara, Cuba

9th-21st February, 2018

Workshop: “International Research”

University Central “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas (UCLV),

Santa Clara, Cuba

5th-7th March, 2018

Workshop: “Internationalisation at home and internationalisation of the Student body”

University of Alicante,

Alicante, Spain

8th-9th March 2018

Consortium coordination meeting

University of Alicante,

Alicante, Spain

26th – 28th April, 2018

Workshop: “International Workshop of Internationalization of Higher Education”

Unviersidad de Holguín

Holguín, Cuba

25th-27th June 2018

Workshop: “Internationalisation of the currículum”

Specialised University of Americas,

Panama City, Panama

22-24 October 2018

Workshop: “Development of guidelines for internationalization”

University of Camagüey,


5-7 November, 2018

European Study Tour

Ghent University,

Ghent, Belgium

7 November, 2018

Consortium coordination meeting

Ghent University,

Ghent, Belgium

8-9 November, 2018

Workshop: “Strategic plans for internationalization”

Ghent University,

Ghent, Belgium

12-16 November, 2018

Job Shadowing Activities

Esade Business School, Barcelona, Spain

Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisboa, Portugal

University of Alicante, Spain

5-7 December, 2018

Work Meeting: Follow-up meeting of the Forint Project

MES & Universidad Agraria de la Habana

20–21 May, 2019

Workshop: “Strategic plans for internationalization; Roadmaps”

Ministerio de Educación Superior,

La Habana, Cuba

Mentoring Workshop

Best Practices Conference

22-23 May, 2019

Consortium coordination meeting

Ministerio de Educación Superior,

La Habana, Cuba

9 October, 2019

Final Consortium Coordination Meeting

Universidad UDELAS / Universidad de Panamá,


10–11 October, 2019

Workshop: “Final Project Conference”

Universidad UDELAS / Universidad de Panamá,



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
